Action RPG Holomento Enters Steam Early Access

Publisher Deck13 Spotlight, under the auspices of leading world publisher Focus Entertainment, together with developer Sean Weech, begins the first phase of presenting Holomento, through Steam Early Access on PC. Already forums and social media proclaim Holomento, a Permadeath Action-RPG with lush graphics, challenging and moreish gaming, as being marked as a must-play title! Not due for final release until Q2/2023, with new content, added monthly throughout 2022, Holomento focuses on quality, gameplay, and longevity is an exciting new title that will capture the imagination of gamers of this genre!

A dangerous and amazing quest awaits gamers. The task is bringing back to life a mysterious world that with every successful venture or confrontation rebuilds Eventide Hollow. A terrible curse preceded your arrival as Eventide Hollow fell into disrepair and ruin. The source of the curse was also its only protection from it….. The Holomento!

Steam Early Access presents a continent of lands, each different, detailed, and full of life with a finely tuned, seamless progression line as you advance. Your first quest, which will be ongoing, is to gain experience, weapons, and knowledge, a basic premise but made exciting/immersive by the wonderful atmosphere that is conveyed! Use the resources you gather from your travels to rebuild towns and bring the Hollow back to life.

Fraught with enemies, fighting and advancing adversaries, a fully populated land is already in place which shows off the grandeur and beautifully ‘detailed’ surroundings. Frantic and ceaseless hordes in many guises are ‘tooled up’ ready to slay you with supercharged lasers or sword thrusting nonorganic life. With a host of items to collect and unlock, money, energy, potions, venturing, and moving into adjoining territories requires patience and guile.

Throughout the long and eventful journey – as you battle and progress – the constantly changing landscape, the opportunity to visit shops to purchase items be it weapons or armor, the ever spawning of the enemy, are but a few of the randomized factors within the game. Grinding plays a factor but being blended with skill and understanding of the enemy’s attributes makes it a challenging experience.

The world you traverse is alive and brimming with action and wonderment. The main regions in the game currently consist of Eventide’s Edge (tutorial area), Eventide Pass (mountainous region), Frigid Fjord (snow region with forts), Central Valley (central region below the castle), East Valley (a region in the castle’s shadow), Lush Valley (a lush region featuring a largely ruined colosseum), The Autumn Forest (a magical forest where it’s Autumn year-round), Dragon Bone Desert (an arid desert on the far side of the Hollow) and Tori-jin Temple (a temple to the far east).

There is currently one Dungeon in the game (The Sewers) however, more are planned every few months once early access begins. The future dungeons will be The Old Mill (a large mechanical dungeon with lots of moving parts), The Lost City (an ancient city buried in the sands of the Dragon Bone Desert), The Autumn Mountain (a magic mountain towering above the Autumn Forest), The Ice Palace (a frozen palace on the edge of the Frigid Fjord) and more.

Besides unlocking additional shops and inventory for existing shops by upgrading the Hollow’s towns, you’ll also have to unlock the different starting classes and will be able to unlock new items and weaponry as you play. Weapons and armor progress via a unique level-up system where every item has its own experience bar. Both not only get stronger with additional levels but change their visuals as well. Weapons are a bit special since they also get additional abilities on max level.

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