Minimalistic Roguelike Bullet Hell Outer Terror Coming Soon

Minimalistic roguelike bullet hell is a blast from the past inspired by classic 80s and 90s horror.

It’s got Lovecraftian evil. It’s brutal and campy. It’s an homage to the golden age of horror comics and the B movies of the 80s and 90s. It’s Outer Terror from VoxPop Games and Salt and Pixel and it’s getting ready to spook your socks off later this year. Outer Terror brings the classic style of 80’s and 90’s arcade bullet hells together with minimalistic gameplay and roguelite elements and an anthological story that would be right at home on an episode of Tales from the Crypt.

In Outer Terror you’ll choose from 10 survivors each with their own weapons and skills to wade into pixel-fueled unrelenting waves of otherworldly terrors. Whether playing solo or co-op, each playthrough of Outer Terror will give players a different experience with randomized weapons and upgrade choices, enemy patterns, and areas of the map. You thought that safe zone would be in the same spot as last time? Think again, you’ll have to slaughter your way through enemies to find it with each playthrough.

Outer Terror is home to the weird, wacky, and strange. It features characters that pay homage to the likes of Ash Williams as you battle through story chapters that will make you feel like you’re in the classic 1982 film The Thing. Each survivor’s story unfolds throughout the game’s anthology of tales. As players progress through the game they’ll be able to upgrade their survivor’s attributes or gain new abilities to obliterate the enemies in their path like a knife through butter.

Each chapter in Outer Terror brings a new scenario and increasing difficulty for players to survive that will feel as though they’ve jumped right onto the pages of a comic book. Players won’t be short of firepower though and rampaging is 100% encouraged. Stack weapons together and fire them off all at once (you know, like your own customized boomstick) to unleash pixelated carnage and carve a bloody path through enemies. Combine upgrades with your stacked weapons for hilariously devastating perks as you efficiently mow down cosmic baddies.

Outer Terror will be launching on the VoxPop Games store later this year. Players can wishlist the game and sign up to be the first to play the game’s demo and meet the cosmic evils with faces only mothers could love by visiting the VoxPop Games store page here.

A throwback story to love: play through 5 chapters of story inspired by classic horror comics and films with a big bad straight out of a Lovecraftian tale.

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