New Developer Commentary for Sci-Fi Detective Adventure Between Horizons

Sometimes, allegory in media is so well done that you’re left with an oddly cathartic sense of existential dread. In the case of Between Horizons from DigiTales Interactive, the game’s premise deals with a massive spaceship carrying advocates for mankind on a mission to find an oasis away from a tormented and destroyed Earth. But what about the middle generations; the people born on the ship who never asked to be part of the mission and won’t live to see the end of the 130-year journey?

If that sounds familiar, it might just be because it is. Millennials all the way through to generation alpha are generally feeling a pretty deep sense of doom, in that there’s hope for a better “tomorrow,” but will they be around to see it, and if not, is it worth making sacrifices for?

In the latest Between Horizons devlog video, the developers dive into the inner workings of the sci-fi detective adventure, explaining that its semi-open world and branching narratives allow players to determine their own destiny upon the ship, and think about every action and consequent reaction. Underneath the game’s compelling and plausible sci-fi plot lies a number of thought-provoking problems inviting players to weigh intergenerational responsibility against personal freedom.

Platforms: Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Microsoft Windows

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