Jackbox Games Reveals Timejinx and Hypnotorious for The Jackbox Party Pack 10!

Jackbox Games, the renowned developer of party games, has recently announced two exciting additions to The Jackbox Party Pack 10. During IGN’s Showcase stream, the company unveiled the inclusion of “Timejinx” and “Hypnotorious” in their upcoming game collection set to release this fall.

Timejinx: A Trivia Battle through Time

“Timejinx” invites 1-8 players to engage in a thrilling battle of historical knowledge to determine who possesses the best grasp of our timeline. In this game, players assume the roles of time travelers, assembling with their eclectic group of friends for a trivia night at the residence of the acerbic host, Jerri Rigg.

Throughout the course of an eventful evening, participants will face various challenges. They will be required to blend into parties from different decades, navigate intricate time loops, rescue a genuine historical figure from their wicked impostor, and more. With a blend of trivia and time-bending adventures, “Timejinx” promises an immersive and exhilarating experience for players.

Hypnotorious: Unleash Your Acting Skills

The second addition to The Jackbox Party Pack 10 is “Hypnotorious,” a game designed for 4 to 8 players seeking an interactive virtual stage show experience. In this game, players find themselves under the influence of a mysterious hypnotist who mesmerizes them and assigns unique characters to each participant.

Upon assuming these new personas, players will answer questions posed by the host. However, the catch is that they must respond as the character they have been assigned. The game revolves around deducing each other’s identities, adding an intriguing element of mystery and social deduction to the gameplay.

Participants must keep their assigned characters secret, as they attempt to group up with other players based on perceived similarities. Effective communication and collaboration are vital to score points successfully. However, there is a twist — among the players, there is an individual who does not fit in with the assigned characters. This outlier, known as “The Outlier,” remains oblivious to their unique status and tries to blend in like everyone else, struggling to unravel their true role.

To earn significant points, players must identify “The Outlier” before it’s too late. The task becomes increasingly challenging as “The Outlier” themselves are unaware of their distinct position within the game. Engaging in discussions and analyzing clues becomes paramount in uncovering the hidden outlier.


Jackbox Games’ inclusion of “Timejinx” and “Hypnotorious” in The Jackbox Party Pack 10 promises to enhance the already exciting collection of multiplayer party games. With “Timejinx,” players can test their knowledge of history while embarking on time-traveling adventures, while “Hypnotorious” introduces a captivating element of mystery and deduction through interactive acting. These two games are set to captivate players and add a fresh and thrilling experience to the upcoming installment of The Jackbox Party Pack series.

Platforms: Nintendo Switch PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Andriod, Microsoft Windows, Linux, Amazon Luna, Fire OS, Mac Operating Sytems

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