Meet Comrade: ENDLESS Dungeon’s Remnant Gunsmith | ENDLESS™ SUMMER Celebration

Amplitude’s highly anticipated community celebration, ENDLESS SUMMER, is in full swing, and fans couldn’t be more excited. The event, taking place from July 24th to July 27th on their Twitch channel, promises a plethora of news, updates, streams, and freebies, marking another successful year of collaboration with the passionate ENDLESS™ Universe community. Among the exciting announcements, the 5th installment of the ENDLESS Dungeon Hero Reveal series introduces a diverse array of characters who will accompany players in their treacherous journey through the dungeon in the upcoming roguelite tactical action game, slated for release on October 19th for PC and console.

Introducing Comrade, the Remnant Gunsmith

One of the newly revealed heroes is Comrade Oruz, a Remnant—a remarkable artificial being designed to serve the enigmatic ancient beings known as Endless. In their former role as “Bailiff,” Remnants were versatile entities, assigned to execute various tasks, including, disturbingly, rumored assassinations. However, after a series of events rendered Oruz inactive, they spent millennia in a state of repair, reflecting on the events that transpired around them.

Recently reawakened and vigilant once more, Comrade finds themselves grappling with a fractured memory, a Station in disarray, and an intense desire to dismantle the society that forced them into committing dreadful acts. Despite their troubled past, Comrade has proven to be an exceptional tinkerer, wielding the remarkable ability to fabricate and mend turrets—a crucial asset in safeguarding the precious crystal during gameplay.

Comrade’s Impressive Skills

As players embark on their journey in ENDLESS Dungeon, they will have the privilege of utilizing Comrade’s extraordinary skills to their advantage. Let’s delve into their formidable abilities:

1. To Arms! (Passive)

Comrade’s passive skill, “To Arms!,” enables them to repair Research Terminals and Resource Generators by executing precise and effective shoves. This ability ensures that crucial infrastructure remains operational, supporting players in their valiant efforts to conquer the dungeon’s challenges.

2. Comrade Turret (Special Skill)

Possessing an innate talent for invention, Comrade can unleash their “Comrade Turret” special skill, which conjures an autonomous attacking turret directly in front of them. This formidable ally provides a significant advantage during combat, increasing the odds of triumphing against relentless adversaries.

3. Revolution (Ultimate)

In dire situations, Comrade’s ultimate skill, “Revolution,” proves to be a game-changer. Temporarily transforming their weapon into a static turret, Comrade gains unparalleled defensive capabilities, holding off swarms of enemies and creating a formidable defense.

Dungeon of the ENDLESS – Free on Steam

As the excitement for ENDLESS Dungeon builds, Amplitude offers a delightful treat to fans by making Dungeon of the ENDLESS (DOTE) available for free on Steam. Often referred to as the spiritual predecessor to ENDLESS Dungeon, DOTE immerses players in a captivating rogue-like experience, boasting stunning pixel art and challenging gameplay. The game will be free to claim on Steam from July 24th to July 27th, providing an excellent opportunity for fans to engage in captivating adventures while awaiting the release of the highly anticipated ENDLESS Dungeon.

ENDLESS SUMMER has set the gaming community abuzz with anticipation as players eagerly await the release of ENDLESS Dungeon. Comrade, the enigmatic Remnant Gunsmith, stands ready to aid players on their perilous journey through the dungeon, showcasing impressive skills and an intriguing backstory. Meanwhile, Dungeon of the ENDLESS offers a chance to experience a captivating adventure at no cost, further heightening the excitement for what promises to be an unforgettable gaming experience come October 19th.

Platforms: Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch

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