Gravity Oddity: A Sci-Fi Roguelike Shooter Coming Soon to PC and Consoles

Prepare for a gravity-defying adventure as Gravity Oddity, the new sci-fi roguelike shooter from Invincible Cat, makes its way to Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5|4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC via Steam on Wednesday, September 13, 2023.

The World Upside Down

Imagine a world where gravity suddenly goes missing. Chaos ensues as people float away, and the future looks grim. That’s when Rio Grande, a well-known mega-corporation, steps in. They create gravity boots to restore balance, allowing people to lead grounded lives once more. The universe seems to be back on track.

A Mission to Save a Roommate

But the adventure begins when your roommate Gary, who was working on an upgraded version of the gravity boots, mysteriously vanishes. And he still owes half the rent! It’s up to you to strap on those gravity boots, pick up a laser gun, and find out what happened to Gary, all while avoiding eviction.

Space Exploration and Combat

With the teleport gun as your ultimate weapon, you’ll explore space, defeat bosses, and fight against Rio Grande’s forces. You’ll zap foes and teleport around obstacles, using a zero-gravity jetpack to close long distances.

Collect mods scattered across the galaxy to enhance your weapon’s power, and build an arsenal of skills to match your gameplay. The experience will be filled with creative chaos, flying around in zero-gravity environments, and taking on roguelike progression that ties into the narrative.

Death and Redemption

In true roguelike fashion, death in Gravity Oddity means starting from the beginning. But fear not, as permanent abilities and unlockable content are available to help you improve your odds on future runs. Choose your battles carefully and discover stackable mods to become more powerful. Beware, though, as secrets are hidden throughout the galaxy, but not always in the same location.

Developer’s Insights

“Gravity Oddity is the culmination of experience gathered in indie development across a decade-plus of various titles,” said Tim Verrouil, solo developer and founder of Invincible Cat. He further adds that the game includes everything he loves, such as a funky synthwave and retro electro soundtrack.

Pricing and Availability

Gravity Oddity will be available for $14.99 USD across Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5|4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC via Steam on September 13th, 2023. Gamers can enjoy a 10% discount during the launch week to celebrate this unique release.

Gear up for a one-of-a-kind adventure and get ready to uncover the mysteries of the universe in Gravity Oddity, where gravity takes a backseat, and excitement takes over. Keep an eye on your calendars and don’t miss out on this thrilling sci-fi experience!

Platforms: Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows

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