EVE Online Equinox Expansion Launches with Game-Changing Features

Nullsec Transformed: New Structures, Custom Ship Skins, and Enhanced Player Control in Latest Update

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CCP Games Launches EVE Online Equinox Expansion

CCP Games has rolled out the latest expansion for their iconic space MMO, EVE Online, titled Equinox. This update focuses on the escalating tensions and ethical dilemmas within player-controlled Nullsec territories, calling on the boldest players to carve out their dominion in these untamed regions.

Key Features of EVE Online Equinox

Nullsec Territory Operations: Players can now build massive Upwell structures, providing enhanced management and defense capabilities for sovereign space.

Planetary Resources and Gathering Tools: Nullsec exploration has been upgraded, allowing players to discover resource-rich planets and utilize advanced tools for optimal material extraction.

SKINR Ship Tool: Introducing a groundbreaking feature, the SKINR tool lets players create custom ship skins, enabling unique personal expressions within the game. These custom designs can be traded with other players, adding a new dimension to the player-driven economy.

Transformations in Nullsec

Equinox breathes new life into Nullsec, challenging players to dominate the rejuvenated space with innovative structures and ships, custom ship skins, and improved corporation projects.

New Structures and Enhanced Operations: Corporations and alliances can now construct colossal Upwell structures, including the orbital skyhook, sovereignty hub, and Metenox moon drill. These installations are pivotal for extracting planetary resources and securing sovereign space. Additionally, sovereignty upgrades introduce new opportunities, such as detecting rare ores and encountering more challenging combat scenarios.

Strategic Importance of Star Systems: Equinox redefines Nullsec’s strategic landscape, emphasizing the importance of planetary resources. Each star system’s functionality now hinges on these resources, prompting players to expand their influence either through diplomacy or combat.

Upwell Industrial Ships: Four new industrial ships join the fleet: the versatile Squall, the sleek Deluge, the robust Torrent, and the massive Avalanche. These ships enhance players’ logistical capabilities while offering formidable defenses.

Custom Ship Skins with SKINR Tool: For the first time in EVE Online’s 21-year history, players can design their own ship skins. This new feature opens up creative opportunities, allowing for stunning and unique designs. These custom skins can be traded via PLEX or ISK, enriching the game’s economy and fostering a new community of artistically inclined players. Engage with the community and share designs using the hashtag #SKINRShowdown.

Enhanced Corporation Projects and Daily Goals: Corporation leaders can now set new projects like Ship Loss, Earn Loyalty Points, and Salvaging to motivate their members. Additionally, AIR Daily Goals now feature a monthly reward track and a 12-step progression system, offering rewards for consistent engagement in New Eden.

Free Omega Status Offer: To celebrate the Equinox launch, CCP Games is offering seven days of free Omega status to all capsuleers, available through the New Eden Store until June 20, 2024.

This latest expansion, Equinox, significantly evolves the EVE Online experience, providing players with new tools, challenges, and opportunities to leave their mark on New Eden.

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Platforms: Microsoft Windows, Linux, macOS, GeForce Now, Mac operating systems

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