Into the Dead: Our Darkest Days’ Zombie Outbreak Storms the PC Gaming Show

Plan, Adapt, Survive: First Public Demo Drops on Steam October 2024

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Plan, Adapt, Survive: First Public Demo Drops on Steam October 2024

Yo, fellow gamers! PikPok’s latest entry in the zombie-apocalypse realm, Into the Dead: Our Darkest Days, just dropped some killer news at the PC Gaming Show. This shelter survival game, set in a zombie-infested Texas city, revealed a fresh gameplay teaser, hyping up what’s coming next. If you’re a die-hard fan of the Into the Dead franchise, which boasts over 150 million downloads, brace yourself for a playable demo on Steam this October 2024.

Picture this: Walton, Texas, summer of 1980. Zombies are taking over, and a bunch of desperate survivors must band together to escape the nightmare. Into the Dead: Our Darkest Days’ teaser at the PC Gaming Show laid out the core gameplay pillars: planning, adapting, and surviving. Here’s the scoop:

Scavenge and Avoid: Dive into different locations, hunting for essential materials while dodging zombie-infested zones. You gotta be smart and sneaky to stay alive.

Survivor Balance: Keep an eye on the needs and well-being of your squad. Upgrade your ragtag shelters with fortifications and sweet amenities to make it through the night. Every morning brings new challenges and locations to explore.

Adapt and Overcome: As the undead spread their plague through Walton, you need to stay on your toes. Use your resources to craft weapons and tools, switch shelters to stay safe, and make those tough calls that can make or break your crew’s morale. Trust new survivors or take advantage of the naive ones when supplies run low.

Every decision you make shapes your escape plan as you navigate the game’s harsh world with permadeath mechanics and the constant threat of zombies lurking around every corner.

Mario Wynands, CEO of PikPok, dropped some insight: “Into the Dead: Our Darkest Days blends survival horror-inspired gameplay with challenging management elements where every decision counts. We’re hyped to give players a sneak peek at the PC Gaming Show ahead of our first public demo in October 2024.”

So mark your calendars, survivors! Into The Dead: Our Darkest Days hits PC via Steam Early Access in 2025, with that much-anticipated playable demo landing this October 2024. Get ready to face the horde!

Platforms: Microsoft Windows

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