Nightdive Studios Drops Deep Dive Podcast Series

First Episode Explores The Thing: Remastered and Its Chilling Upgrades

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Nightdive Studios Kicks Off New Deep Dive Podcast Series with The Thing: Remastered

Yo, Nightdive Studios just dropped their fresh new podcast series called Deep Dive, and it’s a banger! These legends are known for remastering classic games, and now they’re pulling back the curtain to give us the deets on their epic library of retro titles.

Kicking things off, they’ve got the scoop on The Thing: Remastered. This first episode dives into the brains behind the remastered cult classic horror game. We’re talking chats with the dev team and Mark Atkinson, one of the OG directors and programmers of the 2002 The Thing game by Computer Artworks.

Get the Lowdown on The Thing: Remastered

Dive into the world of The Thing by catching Deep Dive Episode 1. It’s packed with insights about the game’s development, and they’ve even thrown in some slick new screenshots in the press kit for us to drool over.

Meet the Hosts

Deep Dive is hosted by the legendary Dimitris “Modern Vintage Gamer” Giannakis, with Morgan Shaver (Nightdive’s Comms Manager) and Locke Vincent (Nightdive’s Video Producer) riding shotgun. They’re dropping new episodes every other Monday on YouTube, so mark your calendars. Expect deep dives into what the Nightdive team is cooking up, dev interviews, behind-the-scenes content, and even community giveaways, shout-outs, fan art spotlights, and favorite comments.

The Thing: Remastered – A Glorious Reanimation

The Thing: Remastered is bringing back the spine-chilling 2002 third-person survival horror shooter inspired by the legendary 1982 film, The Thing. Nightdive Studios is giving this classic a serious glow-up using their KEX Engine. It’s now set for current-gen gaming with up to 4K resolution at 120FPS. The upgrades? We’re talking improved character models, textures, animations, and some sick advanced 3D rendering for lighting and atmospheric effects. This remaster is set to make you feel the fear all over again.

The Chilling Plot

In the frozen wasteland of the arctic tundra, a shape-shifting alien has annihilated the crew of the U.S. Outpost #31 research facility. In The Thing: Remastered, players step into the boots of Captain J.F. Blake, the leader of a U.S. Army Special Forces rescue team. Your mission? Investigate the gruesome events that went down in the original film. Trapped by the icy elements and facing infection by a terrifying entity, Blake must keep his squad together to survive. Trust, fear, and paranoia are your biggest enemies.

Key Features of The Thing: Remastered

  • Return to U.S. Outpost #31: Continue the story of The Thing and face off against nightmarish monsters, from head-spiders to gigantic multi-tentacled bosses.
  • Who Goes There?: Command a squad of up to four NPCs from Soldier, Medic, and Engineer classes through 11 nerve-wracking levels.
  • The Warmest Place to Hide: Keep an eye out, because someone in your squad might not be who they seem. The alien could be hiding inside an imitation.
  • Don’t Lose It: Earn your squad’s trust and manage their fear levels, or risk them going rogue or succumbing to paranoia.
  • Ultimate Alien Terror: Nightdive’s hand-crafted upgrades to models, textures, and animations, plus enhanced lighting and atmospheric effects.
  • Stunning Visuals: Enjoy up to 4K 120FPS visuals on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S.
  • Checkmate: Trophies and Achievements on Windows PC via Steam, PlayStation, and Xbox consoles.

The Thing: Remastered is dropping later this year digitally on Windows PC via Steam and GOG, PlayStation 4|5, Xbox One and Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch. Get ready to dive back into the horror and survive the ultimate alien terror.

Platforms: Microsoft Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5

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