Patch 29.4 Ignites Hearthstone with Dr. Boom’s Incredible Inventions

Dive into a New Era of Strategic Gameplay with Fresh Cards, Balance Changes, and a Vibrant New Season

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Exploding into Creativity: Dr. Boom’s Incredible Inventions Mini-Set Arrives in Hearthstone

Get ready for an epic explosion of creativity in Hearthstone with the arrival of Patch 29.4, launching tomorrow! The highlight of this update is the much-anticipated Dr. Boom’s Incredible Inventions Mini-Set, featuring a plethora of new cards guaranteed to shake up the meta and expand your strategic horizons.

Rivalry Unleashed: Dr. Boom vs. Whizbang

Fed up with being in the shadow of Whizbang as the acclaimed world’s greatest inventor, Dr. Boom has been diligently working in his secret basement lab. His relentless pursuit of greatness has culminated in the Dr. Boom’s Incredible Inventions Mini-Set, a collection boasting 38 new cards. Players can acquire these innovative additions through Whizbang’s Workshop packs or opt for the complete 72-card Mini-Set. Pricing is set at a reasonable $14.99 or 2000 Gold for the normal version, while the all-Golden version, featuring a bonus Diamond copy of the Puppetmaster Dorian Legendary minion, is available for $69.99 or 10,000 Gold. All cards can be previewed in the official Card Library, so strategists can start planning their next big moves.

Detailed List of Dr. Boom’s Incredible Inventions Mini-Set

Dr. Boom’s latest concoctions include a mix of rarity and power across the new cards:

  • 4 Legendary Cards: Each crafted to potentially shift the competitive landscape.
  • 1 Epic Card (x2): Offering unique gameplay twists that can define match outcomes.
  • 17 Rare Cards (x2): Providing versatile options for deck building.
  • 16 Common Cards (x2): Essential for fleshing out strategic possibilities.

Gigantic Gameplay: New Keyword Introduced

One of the set’s standout features is the introduction of a new keyword: Gigantify! It’s a step up from Miniaturize — whenever you deploy a card with Gigantify, you’ll receive an 8-mana, 8/8 Gigantic version added to your hand, amplifying your gameplay dramatically.

Hearthstone Balance Changes and Updates

This patch isn’t just about new cards; it’s also a period for recalibration. Following a significant shakeup from the last balance update, which introduced over 35 changes, the developers have included an extra balance window in this patch. It aims to address any power and playrate anomalies that have emerged. Moreover, adjustments such as Deepminer Brann’s cost increase from 6 to 8 Mana and Saddle Up’s jump from 3 to 4 Mana indicate a strategic realignment.

Balance Changes for a Better Meta

Recent adjustments aim to refine game balance:

  • Deepminer Brann:
    • Old: 6 Mana
    • New: 8 Mana
  • Saddle Up:
    • Old: 3 Mana
    • New: 4 Mana

Get Ready for Whizbang’s Heroes

The excitement doesn’t stop there! June will herald the launch of a colossal new season called Whizbang’s Heroes, where players can engage with new Heroes, each equipped with a unique pre-constructed deck, Hero Power, and passive effect. These Heroes are unlocked through corresponding Legendary cards, and some are available automatically to all players due to their status as Core cards or previous free login rewards.

Whizbang’s Heroes: New Season Unlocks

June’s Twist season introduces 19 new Heroes, each offering unique gameplay:

  • Core Card Heroes (automatically unlocked for all players):
    • Illidan Stormrage
    • Al’Akir the Windlord
    • Arch-Villain Rafaam
    • Leeroy Jenkins
    • Kael’thas Sunstrider
    • C’Thun
  • Other Notable Heroes:
    • Nozdormu
    • The Lich King
    • Xyrella
    • Patches the Pirate
    • Sir Finley Mrrgglton
    • King Krush
    • Forest Warden Omu
    • Dr. Boom
    • Zul’jin
    • N’Zoth, the Corruptor
    • Brann Bronzebeard
    • Guff Runetotem
    • Arfus

Arena and Event Updates

As for Arena enthusiasts, all current runs will end on May 14, making way for a new season. Not only will the rules and draft pools remain the same, but Dr. Boom’s Incredible Inventions will also be added to the mix, ensuring fresh and exciting matches. Additionally, Dr. Boom’s Aisle of Mischievous Toys, an in-game event running from May 21 to June 11, offers players the chance to earn special rewards, including 6 Whizbang’s Workshop packs and the Thunder Ape Shaman Hero Skin through Event Quests.

Get ready for new challenges and rewards:

  • Arena Season: Integration of new cards from Dr. Boom’s Incredible Inventions.
  • Dr. Boom’s Aisle of Mischievous Toys:
    • Event Period: May 21 to June 11
    • Earn Event XP and collect rewards like 6 Whizbang’s Workshop packs and the Thunder Ape Shaman Hero Skin.

Hearthstone’s Battlegrounds Season 7: Enter the Duos Era

Platforms: Microsoft Windows, iOS, Android, MacOS

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