The Reinvention Of Retro Games For The Mobile Gaming Age

Mobile gaming is absolutely massive. Market valuations reported by Yahoo estimate that mobile will dominate 60% of the entire video gaming market by 2027, showing a clear departure from the console-dominated scene. With phone specifications generally lower than larger devices, and smaller screens demanding different types of gameplay, developers have turned to one key gaming arena – retro. The reinvention of older games for mobile is providing a lot of fun, thrills, and ultimately interest from a wider market.

Returning to the arcade

The best way to harness the limited power of mobile phones while still delivering a fun gameplay experience is, arguably, through the arcade. TouchArcade, in a roundup of games they have highlighted as part of this movement, look at Sonic 2 classic, Streets of Rage, Crazy Taxi and Doom. As part of the class of games which filled arcades and gave the fun of hands-on, party atmosphere gaming futurism, there are few quite as recognisable and easily accessible. Perfect for the short form factor of phone screens and restrictive technology, they inspire joy through their ease of access.

Like reading a book

Another class of games that has come easily to the mobile format are slower-paced RPGs. In a summary of the games they’ve found most fun on the mobile, USA Today picks out Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Baldur’s Gate, and Castlevania. As slower paced games that focus on a sense of place, they’re a great option to pick up on the phone and enjoy at the same pace as a good book.

Perfect JRPGS

Alongside those RPGs, there is a focus on Japanese RPGs and the turn-based combat they espouse. King among them is the legendary 1995 title Chrono Trigger, which is now reimagined for mobile alongside its sequels. Another perfect option for phones due to the tactical management required, these RPGs also harness lower computing power. Another aspect that makes them a good option is that they’re easy to share with friends – joining in on the turn-based experience gives a good reason to talk about the games anew.

Hail the retro game – they’re bringing back classic experiences to what is rapidly becoming the prime platform for gaming. Whether replicating the arcade, or providing a slower way to spend time from the comfort of the sofa, or replicating the great RPGs of the day, they’re doing a good job.

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