Veteran MMORPG Developer CipSoft Announces Zombie MMORPG Persist Online

Almost 30 years after the pioneering release of Tibia, the legendary multiplayer devs are back with a real MMORPG featuring an action-packed combat system.

CipSoft, the pioneering game developer behind the 1997 MMORPG Tibia, one of the first games in the genre, is delighted to announce its latest MMORPG, Persist Online. Persist Online will bring a post-apocalyptic, zombie-infested open world to PC, first launching in Early Access.

The studio’s first MMORPG for PC in almost 30 years, CipSoft is channeling all its knowledge about making great multiplayer experiences into Persist Online. Designed as a true, old-school MMORPG but with zombies, guns, and baseball bats instead of orcs, mages, and spells, Persist Online will bring hundreds of players together on a persistent server with the greatest possible freedom.

While surviving in its incredibly dangerous open world, every additional ally might be an advantage, but on the treacherous journey back to the safe bunker, players will worry about their hard-fought loot during every encounter.

“The true charm of an MMORPG lies in the diverse interaction possibilities among players and the unpredictable stories that emerge from them. Decades of operating Tibia have continually shown us this,” said Benjamin Zuckerer, Lead Product Manager. “It’s why we believe a good multiplayer game can only be created together with the community, and even before the Early Access period, we will regularly organize game tests.”

“Persist Online began as a hobby project and is the brainchild of two long-standing CipSoft employees. We just started developing the game we wanted to play ourselves. The core team now consists of 14 people and has access to all departments and the entire expertise of the company.”

Masses of Players and Zombies

Join forces with other survivors to keep the zombies at bay and take on mutated bosses in a sprawling open world. In this persistent online world, without instances, hundreds of players can enjoy (and survive) this harsh environment together.

Friends, Foes, and Temporary Allies

Exercise caution against other players looking for some PvP action, or team up and form guilds to defend strategically important locations, amassing resources quicker. Friendly fire is also engaged, so look out for that too!

Boomsticks, Frying Pans, and Fishing Nets

Fend off foes (zombies or other players) with a variety of looted or crafted weapons, which can each be upgraded. Melee the undead with a sturdy frying pan, blast them to smithereens with a powerful shotgun, or put points into the fishing skill on the skill tree and give the fishing net the ability to paralyze enemies.

An Unforgiving Open World

This world isn’t just big; it’s also big on details. Every building is accessible, and a dynamic day and night cycle can have a genuine impact on gameplay. Persist Online will be released on Windows, macOS, and Linux via Steam. Add the game to your wishlist now.

Platforms: Microsoft Window, macOS, Linux

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