7 crucial things you should know before starting ‘Red Dead Redemption 2’

You can adopt the ‘learn as you play’ method. But it would do you some good if you had some tips at hand before playing Red Dead Redemption 2? So, we’ll be sharing some tips that helped our experiences on the game with you.

Thankfully, you don’t have to bother too much as the game is slow-paced and allows you to play however you choose. Furthermore, we recommend you get some of the best Red Dead Redemption 2 hacks to give you a big boost in the game.

7 things you must know before playing Red Dead Redemption 2

1.    Use cameras to your advantage

In the game, you can change your camera setting as you advance in the game. While the default third-person view will help you in most scenarios, quickly switch to a first-person view when you’re indoors. It allows you to see items better and pick them up.

2.    Take your time

Since Red Dead Redemption 2 is an action game, it has a lot to do with adventure. There’re lots of places to explore and plenty of loots to gather. Also, you’ll have plenty of missions to keep your fingers and brains busy.

More so, you don’t want to rush into a gunfight only to stop in your tracks to reload your weapon. This can get you killed faster than anything in Red Dead Redemption 2. Take your time, pay attention to details, and you’ll get it right.

3.    Clear bounties on your head

You’ll be riding through town on a steed doing bad things, including murder. Crimes you commit in Red Dead 2 Redemption will leave a bounty hanging over your head. These bounties make you a target for bounty hunters – you don’t want this. Simply head to any post office around and pay your bounty. Post offices are indicated by small envelops on the minimap

4.    Loot, while it’s easy

it is much easier to get valuable items in the beginning than later. In the first chapter of Red Dead Redemption 2, players get killed easily. More interesting is that they have all of their items on their corpses after they get killed.

Use the first chapter to get as much loot in the game as possible. You’ll need all of these as you proceed to the second chapter, which comes with a higher difficulty. As you advance, you’ll encounter tougher foes, and loots become scarce. So, make haste while the sun shines.

5.    Keep your Dead Eye meter up.

The Dead Eye feature allows you to slow down the time, allowing you to take out more enemies. You’ll be using your Dead eye a lot in the game and may exhaust it quickly. Thankfully, you can replenish it.

You can brew snake oil at camp. They’re effective in keeping your Dead Eye meter topped up. Other items such as cigarettes, cigars, and raw Indian Tobacco can help you sustain your Dead Eye. So, ensure you have enough of them.

6.    Your relationship with your horse is very crucial.

Horses are an important part of the game. Generally, they’ll assist you with transportation, but there’s more to horses than just being your regular mount. You can also keep loot and gear in the saddle. More so, you must bond with your steed.

Bonding with your steed allows you to unlock new skills and maneuvers in the game. It increases the range within which your horse can hear your whistle. Once you attain the maximum bonding level, you can make your horse strafe B/Square during a gallop.

7.    Courtesy can help you.

We’re not dictating how you play the Red Dead Redemption 2. However, being courteous can earn you some favors in the game. A common way of doing this is by greeting everyone you come in contact with.

Red Dead Redemption uses an Honor system which comes with advantages. One of such advantages is that you may have to pay less for items in the shop. Showing courtesy at the slightest opportunity will help you increase your honor.


You can go on spending hours or days playing trial and error. However, the tips above offer you an easy way out. Bond with your steed and always ensure that all your bounties are paid off. Also, note that it gets more difficult to secure loots and other items as the game progresses. Therefore, gather all the important items we’ve mentioned above.

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