“Gnomepunk” Reveals its First Trailer

Create an army, train builders, gather resources, develop technology, overcome the fauna, understand the flora and use it for alchemy. Conquer or ally with other factions and dominate the forest!

On your way, you will be faced with dangerous external factors such as wild animals, hostile terrain, carnivorous plants, hostile gangs, as well as internal factors, such as alcoholism, idleness, and defeatism spreading among the society. On the way to the top, make alliances or develop your army and declare wars. Set traps for animals, and learn to catch and use people for your purposes. If they turn out to be unproductive, you have no choice but to resort to torture.

As a ruler, you must not forget to entertain your people. Arena should solve this problem. A well-thought-out economy leads to prosperity, but a ruler that is too gentle may lose his respect. Use a strict tax system to your advantage and keep society in check.

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