Pascal’s Wager Sheds Light on the Dark Mist with Fantastical Characters and Mind Bending Tricks

Pascal’s Wager: Definitive Edition is being released July 14 by Nintendo Switch, and it’s a head trip steeped in action and role playing for enthusiastic gamers of all levels. You can pre-buy it via the eShop now too.

Set in a world of darkness, fantasy, and mystery, the Couriers – five powerful and unique characters with distinct combat styles – immerse players in a battle against the mysterious Dark Mist – remnants from centuries past, when the sun sank into the sea, leading to the mist enveloping the land. 

For context, the Dark Mist brought upon beings called Colossus, who then brought light to the areas surrounding them, providing humanity some refuge. 

Thousands of years after the Colossi appeared, a mysterious illness fell upon these creatures of light, and they began to fall: enter Pascal’s Wager.

Following the downfall of the Colossi, Terrence the Courier and his companions set off on an arduous and epic journey, encountering benevolent and evil figures as the truth behind the dark world is unveiled.

This is where it gets really good, because the Couriers are equipped for battle with unique character features, while being presented with intense challenges as well. Namely, characters can lose their sanity. 

The Sanity System 

In war against the enemies, players can expect to continuously lose ‘sanity’, a twisted and engaging feature of the game; when the Sanity Gauge falls below a certain threshold, player status changes from ‘Normal’ to ‘Abnormal’ to ‘Lunatic’, and each level of this mind maze comes with a set of challenges and rewards.

With each change in Sanity Status, players ‘see’ changes in the world, including enemies becoming stronger and increasingly more aggressive. In these ‘Abnormal’ and ‘Lunatic’ states of mind however, characters earn extra rewards by defeating enemies, resulting in a truly intense gaming experience.  

For beginners seeking  a more moderate pace to the action, Pascal’s Wager features an accessible “Casual Mode” for a more chill version of combat. Truly something for any player willing to engage with the dark side.

The game provides 20+ hours playtime with seven unique maps, and takes strong advantage of Nintendo Switch Handheld mode.

Bonus: the Nintendo Switch version of Pascal’s Wager: Definitive Edition includes all previously released content for the game. You can find the game’s eShop page here, and you can pre-buy it now too.

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