‘Automobile Tycoon’ On PC Offers A Comprehensive & Feature-Rich Simulation Game With 100 Years Of Automotive Fun

Indie game developer Silver Lemur Games are encouraging all car- and simulation-enthusiasts to tryout the newest version of Automobile Tycoon just released today, a feature-rich simulation game with emphasis on the development, production and selling of cars spanning vehicles from 1905 thru 2020!

YouTube video

Automobile Tycoon is a management game currently available via STEAM™, in which strategic decisions play a vital role in being successful. Offering a turn-based gameplay experience it includes a host of cool features and content, such as various car types, including sedans, pickups, cabriolets and many others available to unlock as you progress. Other cool inclusions are the option to choose to play from 1905 thru 2020 with historical events like world wars, economic crisis and even inflation, which can be disabled if desired.


Automobile Tycoon was carefully designed for the ultimate gaming experience in running a car manufacturing company with minimal amount of tedious micromanagement. It has a clear and intuitive design and is regularly updated based on user feedback, and is considered a premium tycoon-style game, as opposed to a car-designing simulator. Initially, your engineers research parts and develop a car then you set up, modernize and expand your factory and next you decide on distribution and marketing. All these are accompanied by secondary activities like paying taxes, taking bank loans etc.


Automobile Tycoon is a relatively fast-paced single-player game that allows for 100 years of automotive history to be experienced in 400 turns if desired! Start your company from a range of options, including 1905, 1920, 1948, 1960 and 1980 with more options becoming available at user request. The game is continuously being updated by the developer to include additional content and new improved features.

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