Bless Online News: Assassin, Siege of Castra, and More Coming Soon

Hello to the Bless Online community!

We hope you have been enjoying your summer and the in-game Summer Camp Login Event as well. The next big thing on the horizon for us is the Assassin update that is slated for the second week of August. We know many of you have been asking about it and wanting to know more, so we decided that today we would share some of the things from that update that you have to look forward to. However, we don’t want to give everything away quite yet, so keep an eye out for more exclusive info the coming days!

The Assassin Class

Assassins are masters of stealth and guile, so watch out; if you let your guard down you may find yourself poisoned, ambushed, or just quietly stabbed. Assassins are often focused on one thing and one thing only: the elimination of their target! If you allow one to sneak up behind you, you may not live to regret it.

Players of both factions will be able to play as the Assassin. On Hieron, the Habicht, Sylvan Elf, and Mascu can take on the role. On Union, the Amistad, Aqua Elf, Pantera, and Mascu are able to try their hands at assassination.


Assassin class

In addition to these faction and race options for the Assassin, players will be happy to know that the class is compatible with both action-targeting and tab-targeting combat modes.

Siege of Castra

The Assassin class isn’t the only exciting new thing that we will be adding in the update! Players will be able to experience the new large scale PvP content Siege of Castra during its scheduled times. Capping at a maximum of 70v70, Siege of Castra will pit players of Hieron and Union factions against each other in a heated battle for victory.

Siege of Castra

Siege of Castra (2)

Dominion Contract/Capital War

We’ll also be introducing the Dominion Contract system and the Capital War! A Dominion Contract is a contract that grants the authority to rule a specific territory within a faction. Dominion Contract bidding periods last for 40 minutes, and guild leaders are able to place bids using Guild Influence. The guild leader that wins the bid will become a Lord, and they and their guild will be eligible to participate in the Capital War.

Dominion Contract

The Capital War is the battle that determines who holds the top rank of Protector Marshall or High Praetor, depending on the faction. During Capital War, players and guilds will be able to earn rewards for both victory and participation! We’ll have more information on those rewards soon!

Capital War

Often in MMOs, it is difficult for new or small guilds to compete with bigger, more established ones. With Dominion Contract, we aim to give those smaller guilds a chance to compete on the same level as larger guilds, as everyone competes in point bidding rather than PvP (which would put guilds with less members at a disadvantage). During Capital War, smaller guilds are able to ally themselves with other guilds of their faction to achieve success!

As always, we can’t wait for you to try the update for yourself in August, and we look forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback on the new content. Remember to keep an eye out for our next Community Video and other posts for more info in the near future!

Always at your service,

Sungjin Ko, Executive Producer

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