EarthX: SpaceX-Inspired Space Management Game Coming to Nintendo Switch!

Polish indie publisher Pineapple Works and game developer Mesote Games are excited to announce the upcoming release of EarthX on Nintendo Switch. Scheduled to launch on July 12th, 2023, EarthX is a private space company management game that draws inspiration from Elon Musk’s SpaceX.

Embark on a Galactic Journey

In EarthX, players assume the role of the company owner and CEO, taking charge of building their very own space empire. The game offers a thrilling experience of signing contracts, constructing rockets, and launching payloads into space. Starting from humble beginnings with small rocket launches on Earth, players progress towards establishing a thriving colony on Mars.

Key Features

EarthX boasts a range of key features that immerse players in the challenges and triumphs of space exploration:

1. Launch, Land, and Reuse Rockets

Players can experience the excitement of launching rockets into space and witness their safe landing. The game incorporates the concept of reusability, allowing players to reuse rockets, provided they survive the re-entry process intact.

2. Progression System

EarthX offers a rewarding level progression system. Each milestone reached by the player unlocks new possibilities, enabling the advancement and expansion of their space company. With every step forward, new opportunities and resources become available.

3. Customizable Spacecraft

The game provides a wide array of options for assembling custom spacecraft. Players can choose from various types, shapes, and sizes of rockets, with dozens of individual parts to mix and match. This feature allows players to design and create unique and efficient vehicles tailored to their specific goals.

4. Ultra-High-Speed Internet

EarthX presents players with the opportunity to bestow ultra-high-speed internet upon the world. By strategically deploying a specialized satellite array, players can revolutionize global communication and connectivity.

5. Colonize Mars and Establish Moon Bases

One of the ultimate objectives in EarthX is to establish a thriving colony on Mars. Players can engage in the fascinating process of terraforming Mars, turning it into a habitable environment. Additionally, they can put a base on the Moon, expanding their reach and influence in the cosmos.

6. International Space Station Resupply

As the CEO of a private space company, players are responsible for supplying the International Space Station (ISS). This entails managing logistics, coordinating launches, and ensuring the successful delivery of essential resources and equipment to the astronauts on board.

7. Employee Management

EarthX offers an additional layer of depth by allowing players to manage individual employees. Players can assign roles, train their workforce, and optimize their team to maximize efficiency and productivity.

8. Weather Challenges and Planning

The game presents players with the realistic challenge of weather conditions. They must navigate through difficult weather patterns and plan launches accordingly. Adapting strategies to overcome adverse conditions or facing delays due to weather becomes crucial in the pursuit of success.

EarthX is set to provide an engaging and immersive experience, combining the thrill of space exploration with strategic decision-making and management. With its release on Nintendo Switch, players can look forward to embarking on an interstellar adventure like never before.

Platforms: Microsoft Windows, Linux, macOS, Nintendo Switch

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