Epic Battles Await in Thrones of Decay: New DLC for Total War: WARHAMMER III

Unleash Legendary Lords and New Tactical Features Across Empire, Nurgle, and Dwarfs Factions

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Thrones of Decay Unleashes Epic Chaos in Total War: WARHAMMER III

SEGA Europe Ltd and The Creative Assembly Ltd have launched the eagerly awaited Thrones of Decay DLC for Total War: WARHAMMER III, enhancing the game with a slew of new features for players of the Empire, Nurgle, and Dwarfs factions. This expansion is not just an addition but an overhaul, packing mohawks, maggots, and magic into a thrilling experience. Alongside these expansions, free content rolls out for all base game owners, marking an exciting update for the Warhammer community.

A Closer Look at Elspeth Von Draken: The Dragon Riding Magisterix of the Empire

The formidable Elspeth Von Draken, renowned as the Dark Lady of Nuln, emerges as a standout figure in this DLC. As one of the most potent Amethyst Wizards of her time, her command over the Lore of Death makes her a fearsome adversary on the battlefield. Mounted on her Carmine Dragon, Von Draken can alter the tides of battle with her strategic magic before swooping into melee with her Pale scythe.

Strategic Empire Enhancements

The DLC introduces unique campaign features for the Empire:

  • Imperial Gunnery School: Here, players can upgrade units and unlock powerful abilities through Schematics, which are earned based on battlefield performance.
  • Gardens of Morr: These sacred sites allow for instant strategic redeployments across the Empire, though they come with limitations and costs.

New additions to the Empire’s arsenal include the Marienburg Landship, Steam Tank Volley Gun, and various specialized troops that promise to revamp gameplay dynamics.

Tamurkhan: The Maggot Lord of Nurgle

Tamurkhan, the DLC’s putrid star, embodies decay as he rides into battle atop his Toad Dragon. Known as one of Nurgle’s greatest champions, his goal is devastatingly simple: to spread death and pestilence. His unique ability, Feast of the Maggot Lord, unleashes potent life-sapping damage upon his demise, making him a persistent threat in combat.

Nurgle’s Rotten Reinforcements

The forces of Nurgle receive a boost with new units like Kayzk the Befouled and Plague Ogres, each bringing grotesque strength and new tactical options to Nurgle’s followers.

Malakai Makaisson: The Slayer Engineer of the Dwarfs

Malakai Makaisson, a brilliant but disgraced former member of the Engineers Guild, seeks redemption through the Slayer’s Oath. His quest for a noble end is depicted through unique campaign features that reflect his engineering prowess and desire for combat.

Dwarven Engineering Meets Courage

Makaisson enhances the Dwarfs’ strategic capabilities with units like the Goblin Hewer and Thunderbarge, adding a robust mix of technology and traditional might to their ranks.

Experience the Thrones of Decay

The Thrones of Decay DLC not only expands the Warhammer universe but also deepens the strategic gameplay that fans adore. Each faction receives significant additions that promise to change both campaign and battle dynamics, making this update a must-play for veterans and newcomers alike. With legendary lords, enhanced units, and strategic depth, Thrones of Decay offers a richer, more immersive Warhammer experience. So, ready your forces, and may the best commander dominate the decaying landscapes of this fantastical, war-torn world.

Platforms: Microsoft Windows

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