Gloria Victis: Siege is on its way to Steam!

Craft supplies and manage resources by day, scavenge throughout the fallen city by night.  You’ll face hunger, injury, disease, and despair – as well as the growing tensions between civilians and the city’s last defenders. The soldiers won’t hold for long without your support, and if their defense fails, the invaders will have no mercy. But remember, rescue is already on its way.

YouTube video

The Midlanders, proud of their lands of plenty, await the upcoming days with dread. Just before harvest season, dozens of drakkars arrived on the shores of Midland, bringing hordes of raiders from the frosty North – the Ismirs.

The raiders have devastated the land – plundering supplies, burning villages, and leaving a trail of peasant blood in their wake. Surviving civilians have hidden behind city walls in hopes of being saved by armed troops. When the invaders reached the gates, the ruling lord battled them in an open field to protect his people. Even though he and all his men perished, one messenger managed to cut through the enemy lines to find help.

The fate of this land is now in your hands. Can you support the castle’s last defenders long enough to wait for rescue?

Gloria Victis 1


  • A new take on medieval war – a unique castle siege vision, shown from the perspective of its citizens struggling to live day by day.
  • Meaningful decisions – in war, no choice is purely good or bad. You must choose between sustaining the soldiers’ strength and monitoring your own survival, all while maintaining your citizens’ morale.
  • Built-in level and scenario editor – a complete dev-kit will be provided, allowing users to tell their own stories or re-create events from the history of the Gloria Victis world.
  • Memorable atmosphere – Realistic visuals and a fantastic soundtrack created by Marcin Przybyłowicz and Magdalena Urbańska make Gloria Victis: Siege a genuinely emotional experience.
  • Endure the siege – Find ways to preserve food, and develop your infrastructure to use your supplies more effectively. Take the risk of sneaking into the fallen city plundered by the invaders to find precious resources, trade with scavengers, and help the surviving citizens – or exploit them.

Gloria Victis

Gloria Victis: Siege – a survival resource management game in the style of This War of Mineset in the medieval world of Gloria Victisis still in development, and its PC release date will be announced shortly. The game will be localized in English, Polish, Chinese, Russian, and Turkish.

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