The Linc-Con Experience

Posted by Chadmanendez follow him Twitter

Linc-con is a comic/gaming con set in, as you may have guessed, Lincoln UK, myself and two other community members were lucky enough to attend and had a blast.

Lincoln City Centre is a great location with some great sites and easy access for people commuting to the con. Linc-con had over 1000 people attend, now for a small con and venue this may sound a nightmare but the way it was set out made for a great environment, there were lots of people walking about enjoying themselves, comfortable in this cosey location.  Now most cons will have lots of the same stalls selling the same items, not Linc-con, what we found were lots of small independent artists, people who made jewellery and other handmade items, this we thought made Linc-con stand out.


It was great to see people getting in the spirit with some fantastic cosplay from Guardians of the Galaxy (Instagram- @infinity_alliance_uk), resident Wolverine with The Punisher (Instagram- @wolversteve9), Deadpool (Instagram- @platzy72) , Magneto (Instagram- @nikipixie), Penguin & Catwoman (Instagram- @shasonefen) a Space Marine in full armour, Umbrella Corp Officers doing the Macarena dance, there were great alternate versions of Pikachu and Roadhog from Overwatch and lots of Furry characters, all the cosplayers seemed really friendly willing to have their pictures taken and chat about their costumes.


The second floor is where the gamers found heaven, you walk in and there we find a retro gaming area from NES, Commodore Amiga, XBOX with regular Halo tournaments and the more recent consoles.  There were VR games by you could play FOR FREE.  Tabletop games were being played such as ZOMBIES and Catan as well as card games like Pokemon, and Magic the Gathering hosted by a local gaming group.


The guys from Pizza Games Funtimes were set up on the second floor live streaming the event getting involved with the visitors as well as doing an amazing job hosting the event stage entertainment so make sure you check out their YouTube channel.

Outside the venue people had the opportunity to fire a choice of airsoft guns and rifles in the target area and plenty of food on offer.  Manhua Cha (Bubble Tea for Superheroes) sponsored event stage entertainment and we have to say, if you get to meet Manhua Cha we recommend you try it.

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