Online casinos and customer support: A crucial element of the player experience

While in-person casinos have customer service staff on hand at all times, online casinos are limited to providing online support to their customers. As with any online business, customers can run into issues while enjoying the games available and may require prompt assistance to continue enjoying their gaming experience. This is why it is very important to check whether the online casino you are playing at offers good customer service.

Online casinos such as offer customers excellent customer service to enhance their online gambling experience.

The role of customer support

Provide fast answers

Online gamers are not known for their patience and it’s understandable. Imagine you’re in the middle of a high-stakes game and then oops – you can’t make a deposit. You’re on a roll and want to keep going. In this case, you really don’t want to be waiting three to five business days for help. Online casinos that offer live chat and fast help are more likely to retain their customers and better able to avoid losing them to the competition.

Build loyalty

It doesn’t exactly make a great first impression when you’re expected to wait long periods of time for help. As a customer, you won’t feel very valued by the online casino you’re playing at. When customer support is a priority, you are likely to think more highly of the casino, come back to play again and even potentially recommend them to your friends. On the other hand, if the customer service experience is repeatedly unpleasant, the casino will eventually get a bad reputation for not respecting its customers.

Reviews act as salespeople

With restrictions around advertising online casinos and no brick-and-mortar venue to build rapport with customers in person, it’s hard for first-time customers to know whether they can trust an online casino. This is why so much emphasis is placed on favorable reviews, because people often go to check reviews first to get a feel for a business. They’ll scan the reviews to find answers to any of their concerns, understand welcome bonuses and the general consensus towards the casino. Remember that there are plenty of options for people to choose from, so an online casino needs to stand out and make a good impression to attract business.


As a customer, if you know there is someone to talk to if something goes wrong, you will feel a lot more confident in using their services. For example, let’s say you make a deposit for a wager but then can’t find the money in your account balance. If customer service is on hand to promptly and efficiently resolve your problem, you’ll feel a lot more at ease making future deposits.

Providing 24/7 customer support is an indication of a well-regulated and properly managed online casino site.

Common customer support issues

Choosing which games to play

Online casino support staff should be trained to offer guidance to customers on which games to play. There are virtually hundreds of games to play on most online casinos which can be difficult to choose from for first-time players in particular. Support staff should be able to provide recommendations to players and answer any specific questions regarding the games.

Deposit and withdrawal issues

Another very common issue is deposit and withdrawal problems. When real money is at stake, customers tend to lose their patience. As we mentioned before, if a large deposit is nowhere to be found this is naturally very unnerving for a customer. The same can be said if you’re having trouble withdrawing any of your winnings. You don’t want your cash to be tied up so you can’t access it. Any deposit and withdrawal issues should be dealt with as a matter of urgency via live chat or phone support.

Other technical problems

Technical issues are extremely common on websites despite the measures developers have put in place. From screens freezing to login difficulties and other glitches, you’re bound to encounter a technical mishap at some point. Online casinos should have a dedicated technical support team to walk you through any problems and help you find quick solutions.

Customer service red flags

With so many online casinos popping up all the time, it is important to stick to online casinos where you can be assured that your hard-earned money is in good hands. There are far too many scammers in the world nowadays looking to pull the wool over innocent customers’ eyes. Here are some customer service red flags to look out for when choosing an online casino:

A lack of reviews

Your first big red flag to look out for should always be a lack of online reviews. If the online casino has received no reviews or if the few reviews it does have all sound very similar, you’re probably looking at a shady online casino site. The same can be said if the online casino you’re looking into has largely negative reviews. If finding a positive review is like looking for a needle in a haystack, keep away and spend your money elsewhere.

Bad customer service

Before engaging with any online casino, especially if you’re planning to spend a lot of money, you should test out their level of customer support first. See what support options they offer and test one out. There should be multiple ways to get in touch with them and there should be fast response times in responding to your query. If it’s been hours and you still haven’t heard back or you can only contact them via email, move on to a competitor site.

Poorly designed website

A poorly designed website is another big red flag that you’re dealing with a potential scam. Online casinos are professionally designed to be interactive and user-friendly to provide the best gambling experience. So, when a site looks like it was developed in 2001 or is riddled with errors, steer clear. A legitimate online casino wouldn’t accept a sub-par website.

No license on display

Every online casino is required to be licensed in order to operate. Part of this regulation also requires them to display their license on their website. If you’re struggling to find the license number and can’t get it from customer support representatives, keep your distance.

Recurrent problems withdrawing funds

The main purpose of an online casino is to provide entertainment to customers with the chance to make money. So, if you’ve banked your winnings and are now ready to withdraw them, you’re going to be really upset if you can’t actually get them out of your account. If trouble getting money out is a common occurrence on a website and you can’t get help from customer support, its best to cut ties and not waste any more money.

Best practices

Online casinos should follow these best practices for customer support:

  • Multiple channels through which to log queries and support tickets
  • Prompt and efficient help
  • Properly trained support staff
  • Multilingual support


As an online casino owner, you should always strive to provide the very best customer service to your players if you wish to thrive in a highly competitive industry. For customers, if you know the red flags to look out for and understand the best practices an online casino should follow, you will be able to enjoy excellent customer service from your chosen online casinos.

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