The Main Strategies in the League of Legends: LOL Strategies to Implement in the Arena

League of Legends attracts thousands of players who value a good PvP fight in the arena. But what is the secret of overpowering your foes that leads to a victory in the end? Let’s find out!

What Do Statistics Show?

In order to reveal the secret on how to improve a win/loss ratio, Mobalytics conducted research. According to the data, the ultimate way to success is a strong start. The analysis of 10,000 games proves the fact.

As it shows, the average CS is higher for winners than for losers. A winner is collecting more gold and more XP per minute within the first ten minutes. The average amount of gold per minute during a 0-10-minute time interval is 269 for a winner. As for the average XP, it’s 368.

It goes without saying that you can win even if your parameters are less than these. However, statistics rarely lie. Therefore, you can work on your parameters.

So, what is the secret to a successful strategy in LOL? We have determined six tips to consider that will definitely improve your team play and help you to overpower foes in the arena.

1.    Start Strong

We have already established that a strong start is one of the key elements that significantly improves your chances of a victory. An interesting fact that this tip is relevant from bronze to Challenger. Therefore, we can consider it as an ultimate strategy to implement in LOL.

One of the crucial factors here is that all the team start strong. In other words, the actions must be aligned. It’s only logical since an ADC or support alone won’t be able to gain an advantage over the whole enemy team.

2.    Never Push Out the Lane

Pushing the lane is one of the most widespread and painful mistakes LOL players do. Why so? The thing is that when you head directly to your lane at the beginning of the game and start auto-attacking creeps, you automatically push the creep line out in the direction of the foe’s tower.

In such a case, killing enemies is getting more and more difficult. At the same time, you find yourself in a vulnerable position: open to backstabs from the river. Quite a bad place to be in the early game, if you ask us.

3.    Aim for an Early Ward Advantage

Although it may be surprising for some players, wards – and where and when you place them – can become the determining factor for your victory. Here again, you have to find a way to do it better than foes, especially during the first 10 minutes. For example, de-warding the foe at the river or tribrush increases the chance of a successful gank. Try to spot a secure place where your wards aren’t easy to find and place them there.

4.    Learn Enemy Matchups

The knowledge of enemy matchups is invaluable data that highly determines your chances of gaining an early advantage. How so? Let’s look at an example. Suppose you are a support standing against a foe duo with a gap closer and a snare (for example, Morgana and Ezreal). You should be alert and play slightly passive. It’s vital to remember that once the enemies unlock the right skills, your early advantage can be easily lost.

5.    Give Preference to Farm Over Kills

Kills are the best choice of activity at the beginning of the game. The enemy takes an incredibly safe position. Therefore, it’s rather risky and may result in losing the early game. Farming is the best type of activity during the very first minutes of the match. You will need this gold later.

6.    Communication Is Key

What is the point of working out a strategy if you are the only one to implement it. Generally, LOL implies team play, where aligned actions determine the chance of a victory. Therefore, you should make sure to communicate the strategy with allies. It’s vital that all team members adhere to it. Otherwise, the risk of failure increases.

Summing Up

As the statistics show, it’s vital to work a strategy that will help you to start strong. For that, you should focus on farming in the first minutes and never push out the lane. The latter is especially vital. Study your enemy, learn the matchups, and work on communication in a team. All these are vital elements that define the LOL strategy and help to implement it in the arena. If you don’t want to waste your time while stuck in low levels – try  LoL Boosting & Coaching and enjoy the process.

Together with a strong start, don’t forget to aim at overpowering the enemy in the late-game. It’s quite hard to gain the advantage at the end of the battle, once another team has already gained it. Good luck in the arena!

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