Capcom Fighting Collection Review

The FGC (Fighting Game Community) has decades of history and much more in the making, but often times fantastic games become lost over time unless an individual has generation-old consoles or arcade cabinets in their gaming sanctuary. The beauty of collections like these is that it introduces some iconic games to new audiences and reconnects fans with weapon-grade nostalgia on modern consoles and PC. Out of all the games in this collection, I think VSAV had me the most excited although that may be because I recently purchased the anime movie admittedly. Capcom fighting collection is a no-brainer for FGC enthusiasts and casuals alike who enjoy fighting games. If you end up playing this collection after reading my review I would love to hear about your experience with the game.
  • Retro sounds and music
  • Several games for the price of one
  • So much nostalgia
  • Difficulty. Be Ready to see that continue screen…
  • Only one save state slot
Gameplay - 9
Graphics - 10
Audio - 8
Replayability - 8
Controls - 9

The FGC (Fighting Game Community) has decades of history and much more in the making, but often times fantastic games become lost over time unless an individual has generation-old consoles or arcade cabinets in their gaming sanctuary. The beauty of collections like these is that it introduces some iconic games to new audiences and reconnects fans with weapon-grade nostalgia on modern consoles and PC.

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There’s a lot to unpack with the Capcom Fighting Collection but I will focus on the games that I personally found most exciting and playable. Cyberbots is an IP that I have heard a bit about over the years but have never been able to play myself firsthand. I was definitely looking forward to this! So of course, I had to start with this title especially since it has my boy Saotome Jin from Marvel vs. Capcom featured as a character in the game! If giant fighting robots does not sound exciting to you then this game may not be up your alley, but my son and I had a blast playing through the arcade mode. The controls are very responsive, and combos felt pretty natural. If you are a bit higher skill level and looking to get more technical there is a command list and there is even a save state slot which is a nice quality of life addition.

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Red Planet was the next game we dove into and the visuals really took me back to my days as a youth playing arcade fighters on the Neo Geo handheld console. I am not going to mention exactly how many years ago this was… anyhow moving on. It’s not just the graphics, but it’s how they make the camera pans across the map, that throwback sound effect board, and of course the epic soundtrack. Everything about it just feels so right and I’m sure most 2D FGC enthusiasts would agree that I am right on the button with my analysis.

Pocket Fighter is of particular nostalgic value to me because I remember renting it for my PlayStation from Blockbuster Video (A ancient obelisk where you could rent physical video games on a CD). Yea I’m that old. Anyway, if you aren’t familiar with the game, it’s basically Street Fighter but all the characters are chibi style. Chibi means the look of the characters is smaller and chubby. The usual characters are there such as Ryu, Ken, Chun-li, Akuma, Zangief, and even Ibuki from SFIII. Quirky is the best way to describe it but this is a game one must play through to understand, words simply won’t do it justice. It’s mad fun. Plus, chibi Akuma is both terrifying and adorable.

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On the subject of Street Fighter, the classic arcade brawler is here as well, and I never need an excuse to play that. All day every day, let’s goooooo! Darkstalkers did end up taking up most of my time only because it is such an extremely rare gem. Morrigan is in several fighting games, but in general, most of the roster has not been playable as characters in other games. Bishamon does have a lot in common with Garuda from Street Fighter EX + but I was never sure one was inspired by the other from the development standpoint. If Halloween is your favorite holiday, then Darkstalkers and Vampire Savior will be your cup of tea. The fighting is fast-paced but still requires smart and quick decision-making skills to win the neutral game. Even after all these years, the visuals are surprisingly smooth. Out of all the games in this collection, I think VSAV had me the most excited although that may be because I recently purchased the anime movie admittedly.

Capcom fighting collection is a no-brainer for FGC enthusiasts and casuals alike who enjoy fighting games. If you end up playing this collection after reading my review I would love to hear about your experience with the game. Drop a comment below!

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Dragon Ball FighterZ, Tekken 7, Guilty Gear, and 3s are my main games. I also play music games and retro games/rpgs when not training for tournaments ^~^

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