New World’s Rabbit’s Revenge Event: Plagued Rabbits, Rewards, and Intriguing Lore

Amazon Games has announced the return of New World’s spring event, Rabbit’s Revenge, taking place from April 12th to April 25th. During this time, players can assist in combating the outbreak of plagued rabbits, earning unique event-specific loot like Diamond Gypsum, the Corrupted Rabbit Mask, the Defiled Storage Chest of the Hare, and more.

The plagued rabbits in Rabbit’s Revenge are now more dangerous than before, as they may explode while players hunt for event-specific loot. To address player feedback from last year, the event now guarantees a rare drop after players have defeated a certain number of corrupted rabbits. The possible rare drops include Diamond Gypsum, Defiled Rabbit’s feet (which increase luck), a Defiled Storage Chest of the Hare, and the new Corrupted Rabbit Mask.

Players can participate in Rabbit’s Revenge to earn daily and special event rewards, which reset at 5 AM local time. Each corrupted rabbit can drop the following items:

  1. Diamond Gypsum – 66% drop chance, daily limit of 6 per day
  2. Defiled Rabbit’s Foot – 80% drop chance, consumable item that increases luck, daily limit of 5 per day
  3. Corrupted Rabbit Mask – 0.50% drop chance, head skin, guaranteed after defeating 200 corrupted rabbits, limit of 1 per event
  4. Defiled Storage Chest of the Hare – 0.25% drop chance, housing item, guaranteed after defeating 400 corrupted rabbits, limit of 1 per event

In addition to the event rewards, Rabbit’s Revenge introduces a captivating narrative involving the Syndicate’s interest in the mysterious phenomenon of the volatile, long-eared rodents. The story centers around Cabalist Cleo and her initiate, who report on the exploding rabbits and their potential implications for harnessing corruption as a form of explosive.

The engaging narrative adds an extra layer of depth to the event, immersing players into the world of Aeternum and the Syndicate’s quest for knowledge.

In conclusion, New World’s Rabbit’s Revenge event offers players a chance to help control the plagued rabbit outbreak, while also earning exclusive in-game rewards and exploring a fascinating narrative. The event runs from April 12 to April 25, giving players ample time to participate and make the most of this unique gaming experience.

Platforms: Microsoft Windows

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