The Evolution of Apex Legends: From Launch to the Current Season

In the four years since Apex Legends was released in 2019, it burned through 18 seasons. Obviously, each new update brought something new to the table, which might make the game unrecognizable for players who quit early and require an Apex boosting now. It’s still the same game with the same concept and gameplay, but there were a lot of additions.

So, what are the most prolific seasons in Apex history?

Season 3: Meltdown

Season 3 brought a new map called World’s Edge. Transporting players to the frigid planet of Talos, World’s Edge featured a diverse landscape, blending icy tundras and molten lava regions. This map shift opened up fresh opportunities for diverse gameplay strategies and introduced new points of interest that challenged players in unique ways.

Besides that, Crypto also made an entry. With his tactical Surveillance Drone, Crypto is a valuable source of recon information, enabling them to scout enemy positions without risking direct confrontation. His ultimate ability, Drone EMP, unleashes a devastating energy pulse, disrupting enemy shields and traps.

Season 5: Fortune’s Favor

Season 5 was marked by the introduction of Loba, an invaluable legend for resource management and swift preparation during matches. Her teleportation ability and ultimate made her excellent at collecting loot, which was a major balance change at the time.

During this season, Respawn also changed the map roster by changing the Kings Canyon. Skull Town and Thunderdome were added, which spiced up the gameplay experience and added new opportunities. The map update breathed new life into Kings Canyon, offering players both nostalgia and fresh challenges.

Season 7: Ascension

Season 7 added Horizon, a legend with unique gravity manipulation abilities that added another layer of verticality to the game. One of her powers, the Gravity Lift, allowed her to create an area of effect that propels any player who steps into it upward, which undoubtedly expanded the limits of mobility in this game.

A new map, the futuristic city of Olympus, was added in Season 7. This stunning map featured colossal skyscrapers, advanced technology, and great views. It’s full of verticality and open spaces, and it also has a rather unique style compared to other maps in the roster.

Trident, the game’s first vehicle, was also added at this point. The Trident offered a new means of transportation, accommodating an entire squad and rapidly traversing the vast Olympus map. 

Season 10: Emergence 

Season 10 is notable for introducing Seer, a new tactically-apt legend that detects and reveals the enemy positions by using small drones. This addition changed the game’s balance a lot. It also lead to a massive weapons reshuffle, which meant a starkly different meta overnight.

World’s Edge changed again, introducing several new points of interest, which obviously created fresh combat environments and diverse opportunities for players to explore. They added moving gondolas, altered the landscape, added several minor details, and generally reimagined the map.

Season 17: Arsenal

One of the more recent seasons, Arsenal, modified quite a few things. The two most notable changes were the new legend and the World’s Edge being altered again.  

Firstly, Ballistic brought several new mechanics. His abilities, The Whistler and The Tempest provided strategic advantages in combat and buffed his teammates. This seriously altered the balance of the game again, and that also meant rebalancing a lot of weapons alongside that.

World’s Edge, the map beloved by players and, apparently, developers, was once more reworked, adding Monuments and Stacks as new PoI. 

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