ARK: Survival Evolved Celebrates 8th Anniversary With New Updates

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ARK: Survival Evolved, the popular dinosaur-themed survival game, is celebrating its eighth anniversary since its launch into Steam early access. Over the years, a passionate and creative community has formed around the game, exploring the vast, dinosaur-infested island. To commemorate this milestone, Studio Wildcard’s talented art team has designed a captivating key art that showcases the diverse array of creatures found in the ARK universe.

The ARK: Survival Evolved universe continues to expand, with exciting developments on the horizon. This fall, players can look forward to the release of ARK: Survival Ascended, an expansion that promises to introduce new adventures and challenges. Additionally, fans can anticipate the arrival of ARK: The Animated Series, which will bring the game’s captivating world to life in a new and immersive way. Moreover, the highly anticipated ARK 2 is already on the horizon, generating considerable excitement among the game’s dedicated fanbase.

In a recent update, Studio Wildcard introduced the final creature for ARK: Survival Evolved’s original map, The Island. The Rhyniognatha, a colossal creature with unique abilities, made its debut on The Island and Lost Island. These massive creatures possess remarkable skills, including the ability to produce quick-hardening resin and carry large objects, making them invaluable assets for defending tribal bases.

Furthermore, Studio Wildcard has announced that the Fasolasuchus will join the roster of creatures in Scorched Earth for the upcoming ARK: Survival Ascended expansion. The Fasolasuchus is a powerful and aggressive creature that players can expect to encounter on their adventures. This addition is just the beginning, as Studio Wildcard has promised numerous new creature additions to enhance the gameplay experience in ARK: Survival Ascended.

ARK: Survival Evolved’s eighth anniversary celebrations mark a significant milestone for the game and its dedicated community. With ongoing updates, expansions, and new content in the pipeline, players can continue to immerse themselves in the prehistoric world of ARK, taming dinosaurs, surviving harsh environments, and uncovering the mysteries that lie within.

As always, stay tuned for further updates and announcements from Studio Wildcard as they continue to shape and evolve the world of ARK: Survival Evolved.

Platforms: Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Android, Microsoft Windows, iOS, Xbox Series X|S, Linux, MacOS, Mac Operating Systems, Classic MacOS

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