Predecessor Open Beta First Impression: Rising from Paragon’s Legacy

Predecessor Beta Insights: Balancing Legacy and Innovation

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The Birth from Paragon’s Demise

The journey of Predecessor began in the wake of Epic Games’ decision to discontinue Paragon. Despite Paragon’s ambitious start as a free-to-play MOBA, it struggled to maintain a player base and compete with Epic’s other title, Fortnite. In January 2018, Epic announced the closure of Paragon, which officially took effect in April 2018. However, this was not the end of the story for the assets created during Paragon’s development. Epic Games released all game assets, valued at $17 million, for free use by Unreal Engine 4 developers. This generous move included 20 characters, skins, animations, VFX, dialogue, and over 1,500 environment components, sparking the potential for new projects to rise from Paragon’s ashes​.

Predecessor: A New Dawn

In this fertile ground, Omeda Studios, leveraging the Paragon assets, announced in March 2021 the development of Predecessor. With a $2.2 million funding boost, they set out to create a cross-platform third-person MOBA that would carry forward the legacy of Paragon. The game, Predecessor, emerged as a spiritual successor, utilizing the rich assets and infrastructure left behind. The release of these assets not only provided Omeda Studios with a robust foundation to build upon but also underscored the impact of Epic’s decision to support the gaming development community. Predecessor is thus seen as a phoenix rising from Paragon’s remnants, shaped by the ambitions and vision of a new generation of developers​.

Predecessor Open Beta First Impressions

Visual and Technical Excellence Predecessor’s open beta showcases stunning graphics and super-responsive gameplay. The game’s visual fidelity is top-notch, with detailed character models and immersive environments. The effects of abilities and spells are particularly noteworthy, enhancing the overall aesthetic and engagement during gameplay.

Robust Hero Roster With 34 heroes available at beta launch, Predecessor offers a broad spectrum of gameplay styles. This variety not only respects the genre’s traditions but also introduces innovative mechanics, ensuring both newcomers and veterans find something to appreciate. The heroes’ unique abilities and playstyles contribute to a dynamic and strategically rich experience.

Training and Practice The inclusion of a practice mode is a significant plus, allowing players to hone their skills against AI or through a tutorial before facing real opponents. This feature is crucial for mastering the nuances of each hero and understanding the game’s mechanics, providing a solid foundation for competitive play.

Gameplay Dynamics The balance between melee and ranged characters is a hot topic, with melee heroes currently feeling somewhat overtuned. The long cooldown on crucial abilities like blink underscores the need for innate mobility within a character’s kit, affecting the balance and counterplay strategies.

Economic Model Predecessor employs a dual-currency system: Platinum (paid) and Amber (earned through gameplay). Both currencies can acquire heroes, skins, and bundles, with Amber specifically facilitating the new hero acquisition process. This system rewards player engagement while offering flexibility in expanding one’s hero roster and customization options.

Community and Developer Interaction The developer’s commitment to community engagement is evident in their active response to feedback, which has fostered a positive relationship with the player base. Regular updates and transparent communication have been key in building trust and anticipation for the game’s evolution.

Areas for Improvement While the game’s performance is generally praised, there are occasional reports of bugs and server instability, especially during peak times. The content, although expansive, leaves players yearning for more heroes, maps, and game modes. Matchmaking inconsistencies also surface, with some players facing unbalanced team compositions.

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Combat System in Predecessor: Strategic and Dynamic

Predecessor’s combat system garners positive reviews for integrating classic MOBA mechanics with novel features. It retains the essence of Paragon, its predecessor, while injecting fresh gameplay elements and hero dynamics. The transition to an item-based build system, alongside unique items tailored for specific roles, is particularly lauded, making the game accessible for newcomers and strategically deep for veterans. This blend of familiarity and innovation crafts a combat experience that is both engaging and strategically rich.

Skill Shot Auto-Attack Mechanic in Predecessor

In Predecessor, the auto-attack system relies heavily on skill shots, requiring players to manually aim and hit their targets, differing from traditional MOBAs like League of Legends and Dota 2, where auto-attacks lock onto targets once selected. This mechanic adds an extra layer of skill and precision, as players must consistently aim accurately to ensure their attacks land. While this can increase the game’s skill ceiling and add depth to combat, it may not appeal to all players, especially those accustomed to the targeted auto-attack systems of other MOBAs. This shift emphasizes player skill and reaction time, making every encounter potentially more engaging yet challenging.

Match Length: Predecessor and Its MOBA Contemporaries

In the Predecessor beta, matches average around 25-40 minutes, aligning with the MOBA genre’s standard match duration. This timing ensures a full gameplay arc, from strategic early-game maneuvers to the pivotal late-game clashes, without feeling overly prolonged.

Comparatively, League of Legends matches typically span 25-35 minutes, with variations based on gameplay dynamics and team strategies​. Smite, known for a faster pace, might offer shorter average match durations, though specific average times are not explicitly stated. This comparison highlights Predecessor’s adherence to a familiar MOBA structure, balancing between strategic depth and match duration efficiency.

This match length makes Predecessor competitive with genre staples like League of Legends, providing players with a complete MOBA experience that respects their time investment.

Wrapping Up the Beta Experience

Predecessor’s open beta stands as a testament to the potential for reviving and enhancing the legacy of Paragon, offering an engaging and visually impressive MOBA experience. The proactive approach to community feedback and iterative development suggests a promising future for the game, with room for further refinement and expansion.

Predecessor Enters Open Beta on Multiple Platforms

Platforms: Microsoft Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5

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