Twitch Rolls Out New Filters for Unwanted Content

Twitch has unveiled new features to help users filter out and blur unwanted content, enhancing the viewing experience for everyone

Enhanced Content Classification

Last year, Twitch introduced Content Classification Labels, allowing streamers to tag their streams with relevant content descriptors. These labels can now be used by viewers to filter out streams containing mature content, sexual themes, gambling, drug use, and more. Additionally, Twitch users can opt to blur thumbnails of streams featuring sexual themes, keeping their homepage free from potentially inappropriate imagery.

Addressing Controversies

The introduction of these features follows several controversies on the platform, which is owned by Amazon. One significant issue has been unlicensed gambling streams, which were prohibited last year after top streamers threatened to strike. Popular figures like xQc have famously lost millions of dollars to online casinos, highlighting the need for stricter controls. With the new filters, gambling content can be entirely blocked.

Combatting Sexualised Content

Twitch has also faced challenges with sexualised content. The platform updated its community guidelines multiple times to address this, as streamers continued to find loopholes. For instance, in March, some streamers used intimate body parts as green screens, prompting further policy changes. Now, users have the option to filter out such content or blur explicit thumbnails.

Community Feedback and Goals

Jeremy Forrester, VP of Community Products, emphasized the importance of these changes in a recent blog post. “We believe Twitch should be a welcoming place for everyone, and recognise that content enjoyed by some may not be a good fit for others. Our goal with these changes is to make it easier for you to have a Twitch experience that’s right for you and to choose the communities that you want to be a part of.”

Future Updates

Further changes are expected throughout the year, as outlined by CEO Dan Clancy in an open letter from March. These include an improved mobile experience with a new Twitch mobile app and ongoing efforts to reduce harassment on the platform.

With these updates, Twitch aims to create a safer and more personalized experience for all its users, ensuring that everyone can enjoy the content they prefer without encountering unwanted material.

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